Why to visit Machu Picchu
when you plan to visit Machu Picchu then here is some information about Machu Picchu. Machu Picchu is one of the places you can find different adventures and also the cultural heritages. Machu Picchu is located in Peru and it was known as the stone city. The structure which is present in Machu Picchu are made with stone and that was made without using any tools and wheel not only does this make them different but also the after having so many earthquakes it structure did not get misplaced. During the earthquake, the stones bounce and after that, they come back to their original place. if you are a hiking and climbing lover then this is one of the places you must visit because it is surrounded by mountains it is also best for the nature lover.
Best month to visit Machu Picchu
The best month to visit Machu Picchu in June, July, and August. In that month you can have the best experience of Machu Picchu. But in another month you might not be able to see all of its beauty.
The place to visit in Machu Picchu
When you visit Machu Picchu never miss this place because this different lace will give you a different experience of the visit. And shows you the show you why one should choose Machu Picchu. The places are:-
Special food taste in machu picchu
Machu Picchu is not only famous for its heritage but also famous for the different types of food that they offer which you do not have the exact taste from another place. some honorary dishes of Machu Picchu are:-